women to the concept of housewife, some 29 million women worked in 1957 (5) and about 13 million either worked at part-time jobs or worked at full-time jobs for half of the year or less and a great many of them were mrried – and many of them remained married and made excellent mothers.


Ono soomingly logical explanation for the anti-femalism in our culture is that if the male lives up to the highly artifical goals which the culture has given the concopt of being malo, ho must have a passi vo female as a counterpart, else the role becomes too much for him to fulfill. This is vory hard on both men and women. Would it not bo easier to have some valid data as to what is femininity and masculinity? I am sure that all social scientists would agree that we need such a search,


So, let us return to Mr. & Mrs. Brown. We have here c classical case, if we wish to use it, of latent homosexuality as the basis of frigidity and impotence. I prefer, however, to use Kinsey's concept that all of us have varying degrees of many traits, including sex drive. For some, the drive is not great enough to warrant the exortion of ironing out difficulties and incompatibilities, if they are great.

For Mrs. Brown this is not too serious, since our culture places a premium on the woman who is passive, who is the receptor, who places the burden on the male to stimulate her to orgasm. But for Mr. Brown, who seems to be a male of low biological drive, the burden is more difficult. When he had an aggressive female to lead, he could enjoy sex relations. He, too, is passive. But our culture does not permit him to be. So he blame s the fe ma lo. Perhap 3 this case is not complicated at all. Perhaps we have two individuals of low sexual energy whose relationship can never be more than lukewarm. If so, what can be done for them?

I do not lay any claims to my counseling boing scientific. It grows out of my attitudes and experience s. Per hap one might say that it is strictly Steinerian.

Regarding his nagging her for the perfect home, I pointed out that these compulsions are his not hers and that

